Office Location:
4058 North Linden Road
Flint, MI 48504

(810) 869-9983

[email protected]

Office Hours:
Hours by Appointment Only

3:00PM to 5:00PM

Tuesday – Thursday:
9:00AM to 7:00PM

12:00PM to 2:00PM


Special arrangements can be made to accomodate scheduling conflicts. Call or e-mail to find a time that can work for you.


Natural Hormone Balancing

Do you have symptoms of menopause, perimenopause, or PMS?

Want to prevent Osteoporosis?

Are you concerned about the risks of drug therapy?

Have you asked your doctor for alternatives, but can’t get a suitable answer?

Have you tried what worked for your friend or relative and found that it did not work for you?

Self-test Kits May be the Answer

With the latest information from the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) more and more women are stopping all HRT. While this may be a valid choice for women without menopausal symptoms or risk factors for Osteoporosis or even colon cancer, many women may still benefit from hormone supplementation.

The correct answer is to get your hormones tested using state-of-the-art saliva testing. Only then can you safely follow a course of natural hormone augmentation, returning you to more youthful, balanced hormone levels. Then you can work on the rest of your health issues the same way.

Don’t guess–test!

  • #205 Adrenal Stress Profile, Plus V
  • #207 Premenopause Hormone Profile
  • #208 Expanded Premenopause Profile
  • #237 Male Hormone Profile

Common Symptoms of Hormone Imbalance

  • hot flashes, night sweats, disturbed sleep
  • fatigue, malaise, lethargy
  • irregular menstruation, reduced libido
  • vaginal thinning/dryness, painful intercourse
  • anxiety, panic, depression, moodiness
  • thinning skin, hair loss, dry skin
  • loss of appetite, increased appetite
  • poor concentration, memory lapses
  • atherosclerosis, osteoporosis
  • unexplained weight gain or loss

If you suffer with any of these symptoms, or if you are concerned that your hormone levels are not sustaining adequate protection to your bones, you may benefit from testing your current hormone levels using a saliva self-test kit. It’s as easy as 1,2,3.

Please note there are two fees to complete a saliva test kit:

We mail you a saliva self-test kit for just $125.00 plus S&H. This fee includes interpretation of the results and a complete therapeutic protocol; including diet, rest, exercise, stress reduction and supplementation information. Kit also includes health history forms.

A separate lab fee applies, which you pay directly to the lab, as you mail saliva samples to the lab. Lab fees depend on the number of hormones or other markers being tested. Send your samples and lab fee directly to the lab in a mailer provided in each kit. See test/kit description for lab fees.

The lab mails the test results directly to us, usually within 7 – 10 days. We prepare a report and make recommendations based on the test results and your personal health history. We mail the report and recommendations to you and spend approximately 30 – 45 min consultation time on the phone, coaching you page by page until you understand the materials provided. And then we’ll assist you in implementation of the protocol.

Call or e-mail right now and give us your contact information. We’ll call you at a time that’s convenient for you.

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