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Health Coach Flint MI – Drink Soda? Take 12,000 Steps

Tuesday, October 21, 2014 @ 09:10 AM

HealthNews of the Month
Click on each headline to read the full story.

Drink Soda? Take 12,000 Steps
“People who consume the sweetener fructose,which is most people nowadays, risk developing a variety of health problems. But the risk drops substantially if those people get up and move around, even if they do not formally exercise, two new studies found.”

Sugar for Prolonged, Hard Exercise
“If you are going to exercise at a relaxed pace for a few hours, you rarely need to eat or drink unless you feel hungry or thirsty. However, if you are going to compete in sports or exercise intensely for more than 70 minutes, you should take sugar just before you start and while you exercise.

What You REALLY Need To Know About Your Cholesterol! Video
“Dr. Ryan Bradley clears up confusion regarding cholesterol numbers and what kind of cholesterol you should be keeping track of. Find out what LDL really is and why you need to know about it.”

New Study Shows Vitamin C Does Help Fight The Common Cold
“It has been over 40 years since Linus Pauling wrote the book, Vitamin C and the Common Cold. Dr. Pauling based his opinion on several studies that showed vitamin C was very effective in reducing the severity of symptoms, as well as the duration of the common cold. Since that time, the research has been very controversial. A new study adds another strong argument that vitamin C supplementation does in fact, produce the results that Pauling promoted.”

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