Office Location:
4058 North Linden Road
Flint, MI 48504

(810) 869-9983

[email protected]

Office Hours:
Hours by Appointment Only

3:00PM to 5:00PM

Tuesday – Thursday:
9:00AM to 7:00PM

12:00PM to 2:00PM


Special arrangements can be made to accomodate scheduling conflicts. Call or e-mail to find a time that can work for you.

Health Coach Flint MI – Do food dyes make children hyper?

Tuesday, April 14, 2015 @ 09:04 AM

With so many children suffering with ADHD, one of the debates that has gone on for years is do food dyes actually make children hyper?  One side says there is no evidence they do and the other side believes they has proof positive it does.  It time to know what really is the connection.  Make sure you don’t confuse whether a food is healthy as to whether they contain food dyes or not.  Listen now!  Listen now!


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